School grounds contribute to Suffolk’s green spaces, making them important places for wildlife. They have the potential to help wildlife thrive and become biodiversity hubs!
The National Education Nature Park has lots of resources for encouraging pupils to get to know their outdoor space and use creative decision making to turn school grounds from ‘grey to green.’ You can register to join to receive access to free resources and embed nature-based learning into the curriculum. Check out more information here. Some schools are also eligible for a biodiversity grant from NENP. Becca will be in touch if that’s the case for your school.
School grounds are also important spaces for children to learn, play, explore and connect with nature. With the changing climate, we need to also need to consider how we can build in climate resilience into school grounds.
The following resources may also be useful.
Pollinator identification guide
Guide to making a Solitary Bee home
The following links may also be useful for schools wanting to develop their grounds.
- Learning Through Landscapes
- RHS School Gardening
- Sussex Wildlife Trust Wildlife Gardening
- Book a visit to look at developing your grounds for learning and wildlife here
Wildlife Gardening
Wildlife Gardening - Autumn Term
View PDFWildlife Gardening - Spring Term
View PDFWildlife Gardening - Summer Term
View PDF
Watch below Patcham Juniors creating a climate resilient feature in their grounds, as shown on Cbeebies.