Our Schools, Our World Vision
To use the power of education to advance environmental literacy and social engagement to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future. We will work with young people, educators, community organisations, the council and relevant partners to promote a just and sustainable world where environmental and social responsibility drive individual, institutional, and community choices.
If you would like to be involved in this pioneering programme and inspiring vision or would like more information please write to info@osow-suffolk.co.uk.
Thank you to Let’s Go Zero for funding the Our Schools Our World programme through their Zero Carbon Fund.
The challenge and the opportunity
It is estimated that by 2030, the world population of 7 billion will demand three times as many resources as the planet can supply.

Meeting the needs of our global citizenry—ecologically, economically, culturally, spiritually, and more—requires understanding and creative problem solving.
The Our Schools, Our World programme will enable schools, individuals and communities to learn effectively about sustainability, climate change and the environment and to develop skills and understanding about how to address local and global challenges.

We believe the Our Schools, Our World programme has the power to transform lives and society. It will inform and inspire. It will influence attitudes and motivate action. It will be a key tool in expanding the environmental movement and creating healthier and more socially-engaged communities in our region and beyond.

Through education we have the privilege to be able to engage directly with young people who are passionate about the natural world, want to do their best to protect it and can influence their wider communities.
We will provide opportunities for them to be actively involved in initiatives, to see hope and to see themselves as changemakers. They will see their schools as organisations that operate in self-aware sustainable ways and they will also experience regular opportunities to connect deeply with nature.
Upcoming Events
There are currently no up-coming events.
Our Schools, Our World
Day by day, the destructive local and global impact of climate change is becoming starkly evident. Therefore, as schools, we now have a fundamental moral and safeguarding duty to provide our children and young people with a comprehensive and systematic curriculum to teach them the knowledge and skills they need to live sustainably and to enable them to find solutions to the huge challenges our beautiful planet is facing.
Suffolk councils have declared a climate emergency and are committed to supporting communities and schools to take climate and nature action. Our dedicated Schools Sustainability Team are supporting schoolteachers and leaders to engage with sustainability practice and develop and deliver their climate action plans in line with guidance from the Department of Education.
This website aims to support schools through providing access to tools for change, teaching and learning resources, articles and research and rich discussion and sharing opportunities. We hope that other education authorities and schools will also use these resources and offer to share any tools they may have developed.
Find out more about climate change